Monday, December 23, 2019

The Country Of Lagos Nigeria - 1121 Words

The video â€Å"Lagos/Koolhas† does a great job of portraying the country of Lagos Nigeria which is a rapidly expanding city with very few resources to actually handle this rapid growth. Much like in other undeveloped countries these rapid development is resulting in many individuals living in slum conditions with few options for work. The difference between Lagos and other developing cities is Lagos is now considered a Mega-city an as of 2014 has a population of 24 million people, making it the largest city in Africa (Lagos Population 2016). With the population again set to double by 2050 the question that arises is it possible for Lagos to become a sustainable mega city, or will this rapid development continue to be a problem for years to come? The video shown in class â€Å"Lagos/Koolhas† really brings to light a major problem that is affecting the majority of the population. With the cities rapid development a majority of the population is forced to live in some of the worst slums that been highlighted in our course. These people are doing anything to survive, mostly working in the informal sector, selling whatever they can. Much like many other growing cities in developing countries a majority of Lagos has been developed with very little planning, which leads to the development of the slums that a majority of individuals are living in. These slums are built with whatever material is available at the time, and not suitable for humans to live in. They are crowded, dirty and unlikeShow MoreRelatedEconomics and Business Climate Overview of Lagos, Nigeria.1500 Words   |  6 PagesEconomics and Business Climate Overview of Lagos, Nigeria. 1.0 Background Information 1.1 Geopolitical Profile The smallest in area of Nigerias states (total land area of three thousand, five hundred and seventy seven square meters), Lagos State is the most populous state (with over eighteen million people according to 2006 population census) and unarguably the most economically important state of the country and the nations most urbanized (Economic Intelligence Unit, MEPB 2012). 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