Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay on The Army Should Continue Random Drug Testing

Soldiers are in the spot light way to much these days, from a recruiter at a local school to a Soldier in Iraq. The nation trust’s these Soldiers to defend her against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. With this trust comes added responsibility and scrutiny from the media. The Army is aware of this and takes great measures to combat any disloyal acts from happening with in its ranks. To ensure Soldiers are fit for duty the Army has incorporated an extensive drug testing program for their warriors. â€Å"In doing this it helps keep the fight going and our Soldiers out of the limelight†, said by the Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston. The Army drug testing program is a precise and time consuming process. Every Commander in the†¦show more content†¦The UPL then discretely brings the supplies back to the unit and briefs the Commander as to which date the test will be administered. The day prior to the test is when the individuals to be tested and the observers are identified. The people being tested are pulled from a computer program that randomly selects names of Soldiers assigned to the unit. The UPL will generate the forms and the labels from this program. These names will also be put on a Command Directive making it an order from their Commander to be at this test. The Commander will select observers by means of who meets the criteria and who has been through the training. All of the selected observers will come in and get briefed, trained, and sign an Observer Statement prior to being allowed to participate. The Commander will also designate a testing and holding area with a non-testing Noncommissioned Office (NCO) charged with over seeing that no one leaves until a sample is provided. The morning of the test is very hectic and busy. The Soldiers taking the test are called about two hours before the test and are told that there is a Command Directive that they be there. 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