Friday, May 22, 2020

The Impact of Modern Science and Technology Essay - 803 Words

The Impact of Modern Science and Technology The quest for scientific knowledge should be boundless. There should not be any type of barriers to prevent such an enrichment of knowledge, and that is exactly what science presents to us. Scientific knowledge can only help us in the long run and even perhaps save us from catastrophes that may occur naturally in the world. There could be an agreement that science has produced many dangerous and destructive things which have brought society many problems, but on the same token the good things that science has produced seems to outweigh the bad. There is much to be said about the bad things that science has produced throughout history. For instance, the creation of nuclear weapons, which†¦show more content†¦There is no possible way to stop something sobeneficial to mankind. By stopping science we are committing harm to ourselves and disrupting our progression for a better future. The people of today are benefiting from good health and simpler lives, why should there be a stop to it. It would just be a complete tragedy to take away from our society these magnificent wonders of technology. How could we take away technology? this is something that could save our lives. For example, technological improvements of medication is an essential criteria to our success in living longer healthier lives with the least amount of pain and discomfort. Medical technological advances have produced many vaccines, which have saved us from detrimental viruses, bacterias, and infections diseases that once affected us severely and even killed us. For example, in the past, epidemics of polio were common and were greatly feared because the disease left many of its patients paralyzed for life. And even though, no drug has yet been found that can kill the polio virus or control its spreads in the body, we at least have some measures to prevent polio. For instance, we can protect ourselves from polio by immunizing ourselves by using vaccines or serums. What a great sense of reliefShow MoreRelatedScience And Technology : The Impacts Of Technology And Modern Technology924 Words   |  4 PagesMo dern technology has developed really fast, I would like to know what technology brought us to change, after returning home from home to ask my father. Dad said that science and technology to bring people to change too much. Like the invention of the compass, to promote the development of maritime and trade, to complete the discovery of geography, so that humans know the earth; hybrid rice, super rice scientific and technological achievements, improve food production, to solve the worlds populationRead MoreImpact of Science and Technology on the Development of Modern Civilization806 Words   |  4 PagesThe Impact of Science and Technology to Society Albert Einstein (1921) The rapid rise of modern science has created major social problems. 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